It pays to be sure when you pick up a bar of steel for constructing your home. After all it needs to have the constitution to last long and offer good service. We would like to share some considerations that will make the difference; here are the major ones:
You need strong steel to make your structure stand tall. It is the topmost priority of any structural engineer and they will tell you that at the time of designing they factor in strength relevant to the application; different for foundations, columns and beams.
This is something we probably believe to be relatively unimportant. Truth is, steel bars need to bear a lot of stress while being bent to the desired shape. They also need to stretch when you put a lot of weight on it and return to its original shape when you remove the source of the load. If the steel doesn't flex, it can over time snap under the weight. Good steel is one that has the essential elongation properties.
To increase the life of the building, you need to increase the life of steel. One sure way to do that is to control the onset of corrosion. With steel that is more resistant to attack from atmosphenc air and moisture.
Shakti TMT - the original TMT has the inherent earthquake resident property making it suitable in Seismic Zones. It has been evaluated that stress withstanding capacity of Shakti TMT was greater than the ordinary brands in the market.